Gerry Patrizio
Director - PRD College Office & NCAA Advisor

As a former D-3 assistant coach and trainer/coach of some of the top talent in the Northeast alongside Justyn “Mocha” Carter, few people in this space are more equipped from a skill set perspective to head a college office the size of PRD’s. Gerry assumed a full time position in the company in 2023 and has made his mark as the Director of PRD’s College Office. Day in and day out, he oversees each player in PRD entering their Sophomore Fall and organizes information, wants and needs of each player with the help of PRD administration and each sector director and staff. Aligning with our mission of extending as many amateur careers as we can, Gerry is extremely efficient at not only reaching out to colleges on a players behalf but timing that reach out in a proper window where it makes sense for both parties. He doubles as PRD’s primary college advisor (Book a Session with Gerry) and is one of our Ghost National/East Coast staples on the field and in Ghost Lab, NJ.